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PND Meraki


The subject matter of the project is the ceramic room. I think the most prominent elements in this drawing are the lines throughout, and I believe there is a good sense of value as well. As far as principles go there is a good sense of proportion and balance with everything as well. Everything fits together and compliments each aspect of the project. The project is a drawing of my high school ceramic room. I decided to pick this instead of a normal hallway perspective because the room seemed most intriguing. I had a ceramics class in there and it was one of the best art classes I had ever taken. It helped me appreciate art more and learn how much I love to be creative and artistic.  

Hand Man

The subject mater of this project is the still life image I was able to view threw my personal viewfinder. I think a couple good elements used in this project are lines and value. There are a variety of lines in the projects to put focus onto different objects within the drawing. the would is filled with different lines to give it a would type texture and feel. There is a variety of value with the different shades of dark and light. Emphasis and proportion are major principles used in this project. There is emphasis used on the different objects that stand out (some more than others). Proportion is a huge principle that has to be used in this project to make it even look right. Without proportion the image would be kind of distorted. I did this project for an assignment in my art class. I chose the area to draw that I did because I was drawn to it the most. 

Sunny Selfie

The subject matter of the project is a picture I took of my friend and I while we were walking. I think some elements that I used well in the charcoal project were value and line. The value to show the shadow of the neck and arm and just the depth of the image make it look more realistic. The lines used along with the value in the t-shirt also give a realistic look to the wrinkled shirt. The lines in the hair also add definition. A couple principles that were well demonstrated were texture and balance.  The shirt, hair and background have different types of texture that give the image a realistic look to it. I think the fact that there is another person in the background balances the project well. If my friend were missing someone's eye would be drawn directly to me and I don't think that would have looked as good. I drew this for a class assignment because I wanted to give myself a challenge. It was hard but worth the effort for the end result.

Lost in Space

For the subject matter I had my friend take a foreshortening picture of me and then I place myself in space in my artwork. The composition of my piece shows lines in the hair and pants. I also like the flowy space like texture I was able to create. But my favorite is the galaxy in the background. I think that the way I blended the variety medias really makes it look like I'm floating in space, kind of creating movement. The shape of me also adds to the emphasis of it being the main point, its the first thing your eye is drawn to. This was my final project and I was happy with how I made it look. I got really frustrated with the colored pencil, but I was able to make it my own and make it work. 

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